Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Decision

Probably not as big of a deal as Labron/Bosh going to Miami, but Gentry and I have decided on a date to come back to the US.  We bought our plane tickets and will be landing in St. Louis on December 15th (2014). Below are pieces of a rare journal entry by myself. It was a tough decision so we took out all the big guns. For me, that included a little journaling.

A few days ago, Gentry and I bought our plane tickets home. This came after weeks of debate, lots of back and forth, and lots of prayer. I can't remember a more difficult decision. The main question that needed to be answered: Are we in the place where we can be best used for Kingdom work?

I am now going to skip the long list of variables and get to the end.

...In the end, I may always be very torn between these two options (staying or going). I may never feel like one decision was better than the other. So I focusing on one thing we do know; Gentry and I want to live every day for God. If that is supposed to be back in France, I trust that seeking His will for our lives will lead us back to France. Where ever he wants us, we are ready. 

The end of the journal entry includes some pray requests that I'm ok with sharing with the loved ones reading this:

My prayer moving forward:
-I pray for the Marseille team and their church body. I pray that their members trust their lives completely in Your hands and they become leaders for His mission in Marseille.

-I pray that Gentry and I continue to grow in You and in our relationship. 

-A prayer of thanks to You for how You've blessed our marriage so far

-I pray Gentry and I keep seeing the world as You see it, especially as we decide what comes next. I pray against the temptation of money and comfort while we try to remember that Your will is greater than any dream life I can come up with.

-A prayer of thanks for giving us Your spirit to help us navigate through lifes questions so we can stay in Your will for us and accomplish our mission in Your grand design. 


Gentry and I will be staying in St. Louis for a week and then heading to Athens TX. Thanks to Guy and Thelma for letting us invade your home while we figure out what is next.  Gentry will be putting her talents out on the job market. I will be talking to my former employer (Homecare Homebase) and looking at other opportunities.  We will gladly take any referrals you may have :)

Thanks for the support and see you soon!



At November 4, 2014 at 5:06 AM , Blogger Jim and Fredy said...

Thanks for sharing this, especially the thought process & prayer requests. Love you guys. God is always faithful & guides those who seek him

At November 4, 2014 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Carla Docken said...

God will always put you where HE wants you to be, as long as you are asking for his guidance and listening to him, all will be well. From a purely selfish point of view, I am SO happy that you will be back in the states!!!!!

At November 4, 2014 at 9:12 AM , Blogger Creth said...

thank you for sharing this! it's great hearing your heart and how you're following the Lord! love y'all, can't wait for you to be back in the U.S. of A.!

At November 5, 2014 at 7:18 PM , Blogger Gralizzo said...

To God be the glory...wherever you are. We are so proud of your focus, dedication, and love for our sovereign Lord


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